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"Take 5" to Line up your Energy & Intention

Give Thanks! ...and then Give Thanks again because this time of year is a wonderful time to transform difficulties into insights and conflicts in to genuine communication.

Be the transformer. Live every moment of this upcoming holiday season with the awareness that your thoughts, feelings and reactions have a profound impact on everyone and everything.

Bring compassion into your workplace and homes. Begin again and again and again as you become more and more proficient at shifting your perception and regulating your emotions.

Be grateful. Be appreciative of idiosyncrasies. Be understanding of the human condition. Give thanks for the opportunities to love, just for the sake of loving and enjoying one another. Compassion for oneself and for others ... gets it done!

Stop feeling your difficulties deeply. Stop dramatizing them. Stop talking about them. Stop listening to media. You cannot judge and transform in the same instant! Release fear and take hold of your thinking because you are here to be the Master of ALL Good: to be the difference you want to make! Reach for compassion. Be the transformer that you already are.

When we challenge the brain with new ways of thinking about things, we are literally creating new physical structures within it, i.e., neurological pathways. The minutest change can create tremendous effects - it can cascade and create many new and amazing improvements.

Our meditative movies transport you from the every day beta state to the relaxed focused alpha, the rejuvenating delta, or the dream state of theta. Active awareness while watching our movies in this relaxed, yet awake state, builds new neurological connections - >physical pathways between the two hemispheres of the brain.

As you go about your day, after relaxing into one of our meditative movies, the vibrationally high concepts each movie delivers helps you break free from the "perceptual boxes" that limit learning and receiving insights about innovative, transformative solutions for health, wealth and relationship happiness.


"It is the season
... for bringing seemingly imPossible good to pass."
- excerpt from ThanksGiving Movie

Please turn on your speakers & "take 5" to renew your spirit.
I hope it gives you a smile!

ThanksGiving Movie

Thank you for all you are doing to make this world a more peaceful place to live. We welcome you to pass this movie along to those you know who will appreciate your love and acknowledgment.

Happy, Joyous ThanksGiving to you and yours,

Mary's Signature
Mary Robinson Reynolds
Author & Founder of Heart Productions & Publishing

PS ... Please accept my gift in support of making this world a better place to live and work... go download my newly released FREE 9-Weeks to a Make a Difference Year Corporate Training Manual at:

Heart Productions & Publishing, PO Box 56, Newton Jct., NH 03859