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About Downloadable Movies

These Flash-based movies are NOT going to give you a way to put these movies on a DVD disk for playing in your TV-top DVD player. These are primarily for use in presentations to groups, although many of our customers are simply putting the movies on their home computers to have a high quality copy for their use and enjoyment.

The concept (and the way most of our customers are actually using this movie) is that you would download the movie file in your office, unzip it and transfer the movie file to a CD or flash-drive. Take the CD or flash-drive and a laptop to the presentation site, plug the laptop into the AV department's projector and play the movie on the laptop. The greatest majority of conference centers and businesses now are equiped with computer-compatable projectors.

There are five significant advantages to this approach over using a DVD player and TV/projector:

1. Low cost. There is no DVD to produce, and no shipping charges.

2. Rapid deployment. We have had calls from people who had discovered the movie less than an hour before a meeting, and we have walked them through downloading and showing it with minutes to spare before they used it successfully in their presentation.

3. This format can be incorporated into a larger presentation (ei: Power Point - see here.)

4. The picture clarity is superior to DVD format. We have used a 720x480 pixel picture for the downloads. DVD production compresses the picture to 320x240 and further compresses the image by blurring the details and leaving behind much of the subtlety of the transitions, creating "halo" effects on the fade-in and fade-out of the photos.

5. The text is far more readable than DVD when projected, due to the technology behind the Flash presentation. Again, with DVD, the text is embedded into the photo image and highly compressed, resulting in blurry text when projected. With the Flash format, the text is delivered to the computer processor as vector artwork, resulting in very precise full-size rendering of the text by the computer processor as the movie is being played. When enlarged by the projector, the only limitation on clarity (and readability) is the quality of the optical lense in the projector.