Site Licensing
When you purchase a single download of one of our movies, you are buying a license to install the movie file on ONE computer for the purcposes of showing it to any audience for any purpose any number of times for an unlimited time. If you want to show the movie from another computer, you may do so only if you remove the file from the previous computer. To use the movie on more than one computer without removing it from any previous computer, you can purchase a "site license" for the number of computers you wish to use to display the movie.
A Site License may be used to place a copy of the Movie on any number of computers. Site Licenses may be purchased to cover as many computers as you may require, based on the number of instalations you will require. Schools or business units with the Movie on more than one computer installation must purchase multiple Site Licenses, one for each computers having the Movie either installed or available for use on a network.
For example, a business may use one Site License to place the Movie on one computer in each of a number of locations, or a School District may use one Site License to place the Movie on one computer in any number school facilities for showing to any audiences. In addition, use or distribution on a network is also permitted, where each computer on the network that will be used to display the movie counts as one physical install. This level of accessibility will enable your organization to make full use of the inspiring message wherever and whenever it may be needed.
You can also make a number of copies on CD or Thumb-Drive with your logo on it, and use them as premium gifts or incentives for your customers.
Site licenses are available for all of our Movies. If you are interested in licensing a Movie not listed here, please contact us 800-649-8191.
Each site license includes both the Windows and MacIntosh versions of the Movie.
Make A Difference Movie Site License
Acknowledgment Movie Site License
I Am A Teacher Movie Site License
The Simple Gesture Movie Site License
The Connection Movie Site License
What I Can Say to Myself Movie Site License
The Lost Cause Kid Movie Movie Site License