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MAKE A DIFFERENCE Movies & Training on DVD

A Special Note from Mary Robinson Reynolds regarding the Teddy Stallard Movie and the Acknowledgement Movie: One of the unexpected surprises of the Teddy Stallard Story movie was the response we received from people working in the entrepreneurial, organizational and corporate environments.

While it was obviously perfect for teachers, parents and grandparents, I found that the most amazing value of this story is the emotion it stirs up in us all; it makes us want to be better people and treat each other, adults or children, more compassionately. And that's why the answer for us all lies in the transforming power of compassion!

When I showed these two movies to an audience of 500 junior high and high school students, the groans, coos, ooos and ahhs were palpable. When I asked for their insights afterwards, they said that the movies: 1) made them realize that no one can ever really know what goes on in someone else's house, and 2) in the words of the many: "We really can make a difference." I choked back my own tears. I had no idea how deeply they would experience these two movies.What a great time to have each person give the person next them a "I Make A Difference" bracelets - saying "You Really Do Make A Difference and here's to your Best Year Ever!"

DVD INCLUDES Four movies for public viewing and training purposes or personal enjoyment:

Make A Difference Movie
The Make A Difference Movie - The Teddy Stallard Story
Acknowledgment Movie - Who I Am Makes A Difference
Naturalist and the Eagle Movie See it Here
1 Hr Training & Handout: Makin' Magic with At Risk
DVD cover See Video Clip

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The Make A Difference Movie and Acknowledgment Movie Site Licensing is also available
for showing the movies on more than one computer or on a network.

If you are the person in charge ...this would be the time to give your best inspirational talk EVER about making the upcoming school year a "Make A Difference Year!"

The DVD version features stereo sound and it fills the entire width of a standard television screen. Licensed for public viewing, so you can show them at your school in-service training, church, any public presentation or conference, or just enjoy it at your home or office. Guaranteed to play in any DVD video player or DVD drive-equipped PC, or your money back.

FlashPlayer (for PC,) Quicktime and Windows Media Player versions are on the data side of this DVD - insert into a PC and choose [Explore]. The Flash Player version is in High Definition (1440x1080) and renders a superb image on large auditorium-size screens. For comparison, both the DVD and the online version are 720x480 pixels.

The Potent, Concise Training on this DVD will
Get You New Results Immediately!

In the One-Hour Training You Will Learn:

check 3 Principles you can use to change unwanted behaviors.
check How to mentally create an Attitude Free Zone & why it's important that you do!
check The 5 Core Beliefs involved in unwanted behaviors and low productivity.
check 3 Specific Tricks that heals your own Core Beliefs and Emotional Triggers.
check 2 Tricks that will magically transform even the most belligerent Adolescent!
check 3 Profound Life Altering Success Stories that will shift your perception .
check User Friendly Quantum Physics that illustrates exactly what's going on.
check Why You are not succeeding with certain kids and personality types.
check What you must RAISE to Make Magic!
check the #1 Mega Magical Exercise you can take all children through to TRANSFORM your entire classroom and/or facility.

Click to Play Sample of Video training

The Acknowledgment Movie, the "Who I Am Makes A Difference Story," was given to Helice Bridges and was based on actual events. It truly shows the absolute importance of acknowledgement, especially with young people.

The Make A Difference Movie, the "Teddy Stallard Story," is derived from a story written by Elizabeth Silance Ballard and first published in 1976 by Home Life magazine as "Three Letters from Teddy." This story is a fictional compilation of autobiographical episodes, and it is a real possibility for what can most definitely happen when we decide to have a "shift in perception."

As an educator and psychologist with an endless number of real-life stories like Teddy's, I'd like to offer you this opportunity to learn how to make your own Magic with At-Risk Youth.

In this training DVD, I illustrate just how powerful the energy of your attitude can be to heal each and every child whose life you decide to touch. You can heal any child "for life" - no matter how challenging their circumstances and/or behaviors may currently be.

Children teach us exactly what we need to know.

The only problem is... we don't get a clear, concise computer read out!

We must learn to read what behaviors are really telling us is needed to heal today's children ...and ourselves.

You may be thinking, "I don't see where dealing with youth that are at-risk has anything to do with healing me."

Exactly. We as a society haven't been taught to see what exactly it is we do that is contributing to and sustaining the problems with this population of children.

My Makin' Magic 1-hour training will do just that!

This training will teach you how to see what's always been in front of you but that your "trained" eye has been taught to look past and not see or really understand.

This Potent Succinct 1-hour training will show you exactly what needs to be fine-tuned to get new, improved and measurable results!

Children are walking, talking mirrors showing us a magnification of what they've learned to believe about themselves. The good, the bad and the ugly. It's all right there, reflected in their behaviors. So when we reference a child as being at-risk, let's learn how to treat exactly what's wounded in the child in ways that heal and give them a strong leg up to meet their worlds in truly powerful ways.

Learn How To Experience a Shift in Perception

We have a labeling system in our schools, our places of work ...our entire world for that matter. Not all labels are bad ... some are just totally disabling!

The Make A Difference Movie is such a beautiful illustration of how easy it is to judge and remove ourselves from believing that we can truly make a difference.

We can heal all children ... one child at a time.

New York University research studies have proven that the expectations of the teachers were carried out in profound way.

The children in the study were given an achievement test, and the students, who had a wide range of scores on the tests, were randomly assigned to two teachers. One teacher was informed that all her students had the highest scores on the test, the other was told his students had the lowest scores on the test. Even though the students were randomly assigned, they actually performed according to the teachers' expectations. The teacher who thought she had all the high scoring students had them performing at high levels of achievement, while the teacher who thought the students in his class were the ones with low test scores, found that his students performed poorly in his class.

After revealing this information to the teachers, they began to see that "their" thoughts and expectations did make a difference. If we think Johnny is going to be a loser, or that Suzy is going to flake out, or some kid won't concentrate and do the work, it's going to be exactly as predicted. Why? Because our thoughts and feelings carry tremendous "energy in motion," and our beliefs cause us to act in accordance with the expected outcome. The kids are strongly affected by the energy of your expectations.

A Stanford University study showed measurable and dramatic acceleration in reading speed and comprehension when they renamed the Remedial Reading room to Accelerated Reading Room for the school year.

If we learn to model inclusively in front of a class of 30 or more students, don't think for a moment we didn't just make our jobs easier. [This does not mean I advocate for overcrowded classrooms. I'm simply teaching how to take what you've got and make it work, and work exponentially.]

Whatever attitude we model, that is what we teach children to do to each other.

You want a fun, productive classroom where all children experience high levels of their own success, get this DVD and learn how to teach your classroom the importance of "community consciousness."

Your thinking creates the vibrational attitude that gets you the results with children that you've been getting. To get the results you'd prefer, you will need to change your thinking!

In the mid-80's I began reading books on Quantum Physics, spirituality and prosperity to understand more fully what vibrational attitudinal energy is really all about. Through my personal study, I found the scientific explanation for what I was doing with children and why it worked every time. I needed to be able to explain this to people in a way that didn't scare us all!

In this 1-hour training, I lay it all out for you! You get the PDF download of the handout materials for the Makin' Magic 1-hour training immediately upon purchase of the DVD.

Case Study SUCCESS STORIES from Training Participants:

Case Study for Breaking the Cycle of Failure by Ran Walp

This was a very motivating and exciting class for me. As a 54 year old high school counselor ~ I love my lob. I do find it very challenging as today's youth are very complex and they are raised is such different situations with such different amounts of love and support. This complexity in our youth of today is at epidemic level. The same type of situation existed years ago, but what has happened is that those kids had kids and the cycle has continued. What we have is a "diluting effect" where more and more students are being raised by parents who are disconnected from the school setting. This negative effect is not good for the school scene. The information presented in this unique class is really valuable information for those school personnel in the system that are willing and charged with energy to work and take risks in the process of working with At-Risk Youth.

This course should be called "Making Magic." I really find the information not new, as it really is mostly common sense stuff. But what is different and new is that instructor/writer Mary Robinson has the information organized and presented more effectively.

My case load is 317 students. That is a problem. I am applying the principle that I am trying to do fewer things better than a whole bunch of things poorly. I wish I could spread the wealth. As I get better I find things go easier with each student. I honestly believe that it is a combination of me getting better but also that the students see and feel that I care and they allow this process to work. The real answer is for more of this magic making to take place in the classroom where cooperative learning is being employed. This class has been very exciting for me. It has helped me put some of my skills together so that I am functioning better, and for that I sincerely thank you Mary Robinson. Don't be surprised to see me in one of your classes again. I affirm and visualize success to you in your business venture, but even greater success to you and your BJ. Thanks, Ron

Case Study for Teachers As Counselor's Training by Carolyn Papulski

I guess the most valuable thing I have learned from this experience has been that I can really look at a child whose outward appearances aren't the best, and realize that inside is a neat kid just waiting to blossom, Now that I "see" Billie in a new light, it is easy to reaffirm to him that he is lovable and capable. Because my schedule Is time constricting and demanding, I sometimes forget to take time to try to find that "little child" in each of my students, I didn't expect to find my time with Billie as much fun when I first starting working with him but after taking your class, I can truly say that my changed attitude towards Billie has been a worthwhile experience for me and I find myself even trying to do some of the same things with my other students. I try to keep telling myself that each one needs lots of encouragement and to make it a point every day to recognize the worthiness of each one I see.

Case Study for Breaking Cycles of Failure, by A. McGuire

Attempting to make magic with some individuals can be an extremely difficult, unrewarding, and challenging task in the early stages. The most difficult aspect for me has been the idea that I need to generate positive thoughts or pheromones, about the person involved before I can make magic. I need to believe in an individual and have a positive vision for him/her before I can expect a positive outcome. This is quite a task when the individual doesn't shower you with positive feedback because she doesn't believe in herself. I have learned however, that Makin' Magic works, with persistence.

I have been doing a case study the past seven weeks using one of my twelve year old 7th grade social studies/language arts students. His name is Donald. I picked Donald because he is a silent one who will fall through the cracks of school bureaucracy if he doesn't get help quickly. He is not violent, vulgar, or angry. He is not a typical, loud and boisterous, attention—demanding twelve year old. His pleas for help are quiet and subtle. He breathes unwantedness and incompetence. I have actually been working with Donald since last fall when I began to notice this child who didn't care much about school, let alone himself. I have tried desperately to seek out ways to inspire him. His lack of success and unhappy nature have been nagging at me ever since I met him.

Earlier in the year, I approached Donald with doubt and contrived encouragement. I was a good example of frustration. This was exactly what Donald was used to. Frustrated adults nagging at him to do things he knew would never meet their expectations. I directly reinforced his negative core believe of incompetence and indirectly made him feel unwanted. Even though I was putting a significant amount of emotional energy into this child, it wasn't doing any good. I verbally nagged Donald, wrote passes requiring him to come in at lunch, called his nagging mother, conveyed disappointment to him when he didn't follow through, had him design a behavior contract which he, his mother, and I signed. Amidst all this negative energy, I wasn't able to see the core beliefs that Donald was harboring. It's no wonder we still get along.

It is now plain as day for me to see the negativism that surrounds Donald's spirit. With this knowledge, I have been rejuvenated and have found a new passage to Donald's spirit. I am optimistic.

Donald's most obvious negative core beliefs about himself are that he is unwanted and incompetent. When I talk with Donald and work with him now, I intentionally focus on the opposites of those beliefs and convey that message to Donald. I tell him that he is talented. I tell him that I enjoy having him come to my room to work. I tell him that I sincerely care about him and want him to be happy. I tell him that he is competent and loved. I show him these feelings by sitting with him at the same table in the mornings. I give him extra pats on the back for completing the assignment with little assistance. And, the assistance that I was giving him was no more than what any other child might need. I believed that he could complete assignments and would complete them to the best of his ability. This attitude and belief created and fueled my new attitude and response to Donald. It was a bit like a miracle to see the changes in Donald.

However, it has taken about eight weeks for there to be noticeable change in Donald. I wish for him that it was October 22, rather than May 22 because Donald has made so much progress. I hate to see the school year end because Donald has found a source of unconditional, positive help at school in my classroom.

It is now quite easy for me to visualize myself in a positive, new response. I believe in Donald so the new, more optimistic response comes easily. Virtually everything I say to him is somehow related to "I really care about you," and "this is really good stuff." He honestly seems to want this because he keeps coming back for more. His level of commitment is now active. When we first met he didn't care. There was no reason for commitment. Once in a while he dips into passivity but on the whole he seems to enjoy being active and now he has a reason to be active.

Donald is now keeping up with all assignments in my class and spends extra time in my room on his own. He is an inspiration to others. My attitude about Donald has changed significantly since last fall. I have learned that he is very capable and I have learned to really care about him. I hope that I have provided him with the tools and confidence to believe in himself. These he will need to maintain his active level of commitment.

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